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International Patients

As a result of Dr Tannoury’s international outreach, we receive a large number of patients from around the globe. For these patients, as well as out-of-state patients, we have established our VIP Concierge service to streamline care and the patient's stay in Boston.

VIP Concierge offerings:

  • A personal assistant will be handling your case from A to Z, including -
  • A free of charge initial review of MRI, CT or other diagnostic studies
  • Direct communication by Dr. Tannoury with your primary care physician and/or referring doctor in order to assure safe and accurate transfer of information
  • Insurance coverage and medical coverage review
  • Coordination with your referring doctor to implement an appropriate transition back to your own environment
  • Postoperative rehabilitation (when surgery is needed)
  • Assistance with obtaining visa supporting paperwork
  • Discounted rates with our preferred hotels, private transportation providers, and interpreters. For more information, visit our Preferred Vendors section on the Resources page.
  • Recommendations to ensure an enjoyable and culturally rich stay in Boston. For more information, visit our Explore Boston section on the Resources page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please make sure to bring with you to your appointment the CDs of all relevant previous studies, including x-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. While studies’ reports are helpful, they are not sufficient.

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Are you interested in our VIP Concierge service and worry-free travel? For more information about this service, please scroll to the top of this page.
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